
for the sake of posting again

Yesterday when I woke up, I could see, through the curtains, that the sky was red. All I could think about was Legolas saying "A red dawn rises. Blood has been spilt this night." in that breathy voice.
A pox upon you Orlando Bloom! You and your hypnotic, hideous voice!

Earlier, I was washing my hands and looking at myself in the mirror (yes, I'm narcissistic like that), and I realized that I had one eyebrow raised!!! I've never been able to do that before! Not without my fingers, at least. But as soon as I realized what was going on, I lost it. Couldn't get it back.

I got some little oil lamps from a friend for Christmas. I finally got the funnel out and filled them up yesterday. I lit them, they burned, and it was nice. But then the smoke detector went off, and it wasn't. So I blew them out. I'm going to have to find a better place for them.

Murphy, the neighbor/landlord's dog, likes to bark at me. When I'm INSIDE MY OWN HOUSE! My room and the bathroom are on the back of the house, so whenever I'm in either of those rooms and he's in the back yard, he can sense my presence with his doggy-senses and he barks at me. Sometimes, it deteriorates into a little sneeze of a bark. It's fun. :(

And now, I should go do actual work. The Defense is coming sooner than I think.

1 comment:

Will said...

Damn Orlando Bloom! Damn him to hell!