

I had a dream the other night that I was making out with Jim Halpert. It was very nice and I'm not ashamed.

I was a little at first (He's a TV character for crying out loud!), but a friend of mine gave me permission to have my little crush with his very reasoned words.
james sayeth, "if he's anything like his character, it would probably be fun
and really sweet at the same time
sincere or something"

Jim Halpert is hilarious, clever, sweet, flawed (does pick on Dwight an awful lot...), and has an excellent grin. I swoon.
And he's devoted to Pam, the girl of his dreams. And I swoon some more.
I want someone like him.

I really should find a flesh and blood boy to make out with, but till then, I'll just have my little crush on Jim. :)

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