

If I could pack a week and a half early, I would. 
I like to be prepared.  I want to know what I'll be doing on my trips, insofar as it would affect my wardrobe, in advance so that I can make sure I have appropriate clothes.  I want to know what other things I should have with me (computer, meds, running clothes, books, etc.) so that I will not be lacking any thing.
I make lists, I add to them, I check things off when I pack. 
I like to be prepared.

In recent years (read: since I moved to NH) this list-making and preparedness has served the purpose of helping me not over-pack.  Flying from NH to AL involves at least 2 flights.  Having the smallest amount of luggage possible to heave around the airport, or rely on baggage handlers to transfer, should make my day easier.  And since I'm prone to throwing anything and everything and 2 extra outfits in, list-making helps me whittle down my selections.
So if I packed early, I could edit what I will need.

I think another reason I want to pack early is because it might somehow magically make the travel date arrive early. Wouldn't it be great if tomorrow and not Thursday was the day I could be at home with my parents and sisters and a decorated house? Maybe if I'm packed, time will speed up!

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