
losing track

C.S. Lewis, I am 99.9% confident, was the guy who said that perhaps the reason we lose track of time is because we were made for a place outside of time.  I re-read the Chronicles of Narnia in 2008, and I always found myself crying because of the beauty and simplicity of the way he explained things like prayer - or the Narnian equivalent of them - so that children could understand them.  Apparently my granddaddy was like that. I wish I could have talked to him more now that I'm older...

Over Christmas break, I started reading the Wrinkle in Time series by Madeline L'Engle.  I've read the first four of the quintet now.  The children in these stories tesser - they jump across space and/or time.  They sing with the stars, talk to angels, they witness the creation of the world.  And these books are getting better as I go along.  I'm about to start the 5th one now, and since I stayed up till 3am to finish _Many_Waters_ and it was so good.  I shed a tear or two at the beauty of it.  If I had been willing to pause long enough to reach for a pen, I would have underlined so much of the last few chapters.  Anyway, good books. Read them. 

Since I got home from home for Christmas break (do I need a post about how I refer to Florence as home when I'm in Dover and vice versa when I'm vice versa?), I've been losing track of which home I'm in.  I'll be drowsy downstairs and think "yeah, it's time to go up to bed" but the bed I'm thinking of is the little twin bed in Florence and not the nice big queen bed in Dover.  I'll be doing my nails in Dover and think I'm doing my nails in Florence.  Sometimes I'll even start to talk to my mom...This morning when I was in that half-awake state of being, I thought I was in Florence and my roommate downstairs in Dover was my mom AND my dad (talented girl, huh?) doing their morning thing in Florence.  Basically, if my mind is elsewhere (half asleep, half awake, focusing on creating perfectly rounded fingernails, etc.) I have the ability to lose track of space.

So apparently, I'm not created for space or time. 

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