

I am planning on moving in about 2 months. 
I don't have a place lined up, because apparently that's not how they do things up here. You look, you sign a lease, and move in all in one week. Or something like that.

I'm really looking forward to this move. Really.
I can't wait to make a cozy home for myself. Just for me! No compromises, no awkward dance over how to load the dishwasher, no putting up with someone else's art or taste in music.

I am also really excited to purge my belongings of the things that I don't need or even really want. And to organize the things I want to or should keep. 
Really excited. 

I'm somewhat of a pack-rat/magpie.  I keep things around for a while, and I tend to compulsively buy 'shiny' things. But lately I have been thinking about simplicity. I have been craving simplicity. 
I want simplicity because I want to have a comfortable home with a place for everything, and everything in its place. And since I want a one bedroom apartment, and I'm a graduate student, that place will be small. I want to have what I need and no more. 
I want to HAVE simplicity - to carry it around with me - because I want to have the freedom to say no when I face the temptation to buy the newest cleaning phenomenon, that same shirt in 5 different colors, another purse, or the trinkets that somehow make it into my shopping cart.  
I want to be free from my possessions. I want order.
Thus, the purge. Eliminate what I don't need. Organize what I do.

Because really, it comes down to trust. Do I trust that God will provide for what I need? Or do I think that I need to get it all for myself? Instead of holding onto things and grabbing for whatever catches my eye, I should be clinging to God and reaching out for His riches.  When I do that, I get the best of both worlds - spiritual glory and earthly necessities.


gina said...

remember, you're always welcome in the guest room! we can store everything in the garage.

Unknown said...

I used to be quite a packrat. I still have a small amount of stuff in storage in my parents' basement. As I have continued to move around fairly frequently, though, I have definitely eliminated a lot of unneeded clutter from my life.

The result? An amazing feeling of freedom, and a complete lack of the expected "missing". I find I really do not miss anything that I do not have. Anything I really need "again" I simply purchase again.

One of the proudest moments of my life is when I moved on a public bus. I am not talking about a Greyhound bus, I am talking about a MBTA bus. I was able to *carry* everything I had onto the bus and take it to my new apartment.

The amount of stuff I have had has definitely ebbed and flowed, but it remains firmly on the small side of things.

Good luck with reducing!