

when i was in middle/early high school, i loved the weekends. i would put on colorful socks, (differently) colorful nylon shorts, and this button down shirt that had a huge, fall colored plaid pattern. my sister was mildly ashamed to be seen with me around the neighborhood.

to school, i would wear red pants and a striped shirt.
i was my own woman. i had a fashion sense all of my own.

altered a bit in college. relied mostly on cute little tshirts and jeans. occasionally, i would throw on a crazy shirt with some nice pants. i loved tshirts and skirts in the summer.

now, my style has condensed a bit into what i really like, and what i think will fly around the department.
i have these great little red flats that i wear with everything. I have brown pants with really wide legs that are quickly becoming a staple of my wardrobe. in the winter, i wear lots of layers of bright colors. collared shirts and ties with a tissue t over it. i have a little blue tweed blazer that i also wear with everything. i still wear skirts and random shirts and flip flops in the summer.

recently, i was shopping for a new shirt while i was wearing those big legged brown pants. the shirt was one of those spagetti strapped, tight at the top, frilly at the bottom shirts. i showed my friend how the shirt really looks good with the pants and even with a tight little jacket on top.
my friend, who i wouldn't really think of as a conservative dresser, was amazed at my outfit. she thought it was really cute, but basically didnt' think she could pull it off.

the last few years, i've been getting these comments a lot. i don't understand. why do some people - a lot of people - don't think they could "pull off" certain things? i understand about body shape and certain colors on certain people...but i don't understand why some people automatically assume that certain clothes aren't for them.

i know that clothes are supposed to be an expression of a person's individuality, but why don't people think they can wear the clothes they like?

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