

i'm a graduate student. i should enjoy, or at least tolerate, research.

i don't.

i really just want to be a teacher. of college students. people who, supposedly, actually want to be there. i need a phd to do that, so here i am.

one of my TA assignments is to do some research. for a project that isn't mine. and, like always, i have procrastinated on it. she needs it tomorrow, and i just started looking today. i'm such a slacker. i may appear to have it all together, but when it counts, i slack off.

anyway, i don't know how to find information on this one topic i'm supposed to be researching. i can't use my normal database because it's just psychology stuff. i need crime reporting information. so i can't just look in the psych databases. but when i use the broad one, i get newspaper articles, and the new yorker magazine articles...nothing i can use. when i do see something good...it's from AUSTRALIA or the UK!!! now, those countries are, i'm sure, wonderful. nothing against them. i just don't need reported crime stats from them right now.

i'm really just mad at myself.
and my lack of research skills.

i think it's time to go work on something else.

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